The Old Guard

So it's come to my attention that I've never mentioned the Old Guard before. I think a brief recap is in order.
Jon the Doc, St. Burton, Crazy Laura, Big Gabe, Andrew the White, Irish Devin... These were my best friends when I was fifteen. The twist was that they were all between 19 and 21. They were the best friends I'd ever had because they treated me like an equal and always made me feel like I was part of something bigger.
They've all hit rough spots in the last ten years or so. Some have had to face some of the most brutal trials that growing up can teach someone. The thing is, that like the soldiers of chaos that I knew they always were, they've all managed to walk the line and survive.
These people are the primer for how I always viewed friendship and they're the reason why I've been the friend I am to the friends that I have. It's been said that I bring people together who wouldn't normally have met each other. I learned how to do this from the best mentors an adolescent could have had. As an adult (or some semblance of one) I continue to learn what they've shared with me was the nature of friendship: people who find other people of similar interests and personalities and who, above all, stick together through everything that comes their way.
Trust, honor, integrity, and loyalty. S'what the Old Guard taught me. The most important part is that they taught me all of that first.
One day, we're going to change the world. You'll see.
dude.....'re gonna make me cry.
I think you should write more about how totally awesome we are.
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