Friday, September 17, 2004

to guilt-ify or not to... damn, i can't create words worth a shit...

Let's face one glaring fact together: I hate feeling guilty. It's in my nature to feel guilty because I'm constantly of two neuorsis: that I'm offensive and that I'm selfish. The thing about the offensive point is that I'm naturally a pretty sensitive guy (helps the intuition thing a lot), and I'd hate to offend someone because I don't like being insulted. Selfish? We're all selfish, so that's stupid to focus on... but I will, anyway.

I have this specific kind of sense of humor and a severe case of the "brutal truth" tendancies. I don't think it's healthy to take yourself too seriously when you're young. We have plenty of time to be an adult when we're adults. Pre-30? Just live and not take everything so seriously. If you're not being demeaning or cruel, or making a point to embarass them in front of an already stressful situation, then there is nothing wrong with taking someone down a few pegs. And when people come to you for advice, patronizing them with the candy-coated truth does nothing but further their problems by feeding them delusion.

Selfish? We're all selfish. I said that earlier. Me, Me, Me. Everything in our lives is about us. Our problems and our fears and our thoughts. That's what makes us self-aware. The trick is to notice the problems in your friends and loved ones even when you're having a bad day or riding on cloud nine. I'm talking about stopping your little power trip and going, "oh man, their day sucked. Hey, how are you doing?" It's all takes. That little moment you take to talk to someone else and ask how they're doing. Focus on them and if they're really as great as you think, they'll take the next moment and focus on you when you're down.

Now, this leads to my point. Guilt. Fuck you and your guilt. I don't feel that emotion. Honestly, it doesn't exist in me like the gamut of emotions missing in a sociopath. I'd feel bad if I hurt you, I avoid situations of mixed morals where I might do something I'll regret, but the vast number of people I know who use guilt as weapon, wheather consiously or unconsiously, can seriously suck it. Knew this person once... Hated being left out. So they'd just ride your ass about it when you did (even if you had just forgotten or were actually thinking about inviting them or whatnot) until you were supposed to learn to never leave them out. Thing is? I'd just mentally cross their name off. Fuck them and their guilt-tripping. It will get them nothing in my world because that currency is worth shit here. If you want to be included, if you want me to respect your feelings, if you want to be taken seriously... Grow the fuck up. Crawl out from the shell, step out of the closet, look me in the eye, and talk to me like a big person.

So many people want to be taken seriously... to be respected... but they have no idea what it takes... what it calls for... for a person to deserve that.

and on a lighter note: Bunnies. Discuss.


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