Sunday, March 12, 2006

Back to the grind...

So I'm hopefully graduating in June... Hopefully, if I can survive this and the next term's worth of class and work. Right now, I'm trying to get my feelers out there to find gainful employment after I get out. Apperently it's not THAT hard, since all of my friends have found jobs, but it's going to take LOTS of work that I'm just frankly intimidated by.

In other news, I have confirmation that the column will be up this week. Right on schedule. Comment if you have an opinion. Also, come by the video store and hang out sometime. If you call the comment line and give me props, it'll apprarently get me promoted. Be serious, though, and actually have an account there ;)

Had a really nice Friday night that I'd like to say was made possible by some good people that I'm glad I got to meet this year: Ashley ("Hat-trick") and Christine ("Barista"). While I hung out with them seperately with Joey being the hold over from both events that night, he commented that I have a knack for finding super-cool platonic girls that are actually fun without being emmasculating. I think that's important.

I'll be off to NYC in T-minus 15 days. If you want souveniers or pictures of certain things, let me know. I'm going to go super-tourist. Comic book stores, night spots, sight seeing... the whole she-bang. My sisters direct quote, "I'm going to show you why this is the best city in the world." You're on.


At 12:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just want you to take lots and lots of pictures, and then show them to me.


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